General Patisserie and Confectionary

Coming Soon

Baking Boot Camp

3 Weeks Comprehensive Chef Certification Course
Art of Baking

About the Course

Course Inclusions

An overview of traditional baking equipment and techniques, aswell as modern baking methods.

The objective is to provide information that will aid in bridging the difference between the two baking methods, enabling an improvement of the present baking method without compromising the authenticity of traditionally baked items.

Starting with the basics of creating bread, you'll progressively get a logical understanding of the complete baking procedure, including the construction and presentation of cakes.

The 3 weeks course will cover a wide range of subjects including Lean Breads, Cupcakes, Muffins, Puff Pastry, Macarons, Meringue, tea cakes, and many more.

Experience a fully hands-on program that will teach you the science of baking and its practical application.

April 29, 2024
9:00am to 5:00pm
Monday - Friday
220+ Hours
For Course Fees :
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Course Highlights

Extra learnings in addition to baking

  • FoodandKitchenSafety:Anintroductiontovariouskitchentoolsand equipment, with a focus on hygiene and safety practices to prevent food contamination. You will also learn about proper equipment storage and care in a commercial kitchen setting
  • GrasptheTechniquesofBakingMarvels:Excelintheartofbaking and acquire a diverse range of techniques including hot & cold desserts, puddings, paste products, biscuits, cakes, sponges, and fermented dough products.
  • Hands-ontrainingfor150+internationalrecipes:Indulgeintheartof international baking with 150+ recipes and expert guidance on creating delectable travel cakes, sponges, classic cakes, frostings and icings.
  • Onceyou'vemasteredthefundamentalsofbread-making,prepareto take your baking skills to the next level. Learn basics of cookies, creating celebration cookies, cremeux and mousses, puff, macarons and meringues, pies and tarts, filled and assembled cakes and tortes, breakfast pastry, artisanal breads, and advanced chocolates and bonbons.
  • SocialMediaforfoodbusiness:Gainexpertguidanceonhowto effectively utilize social media for your food business, empowering you to reach a wider audience and showcase your delicious culinary creations to the world.
  • Pricing,Packaging,andTransportKnowledge:Thiscomprehensive course not only provides knowledge on food safety and licensing, pricing, packaging, and transport, but also equips you with essential skills such as online store setup, profit evaluation, food photography, vendor communication, food mathematics, and recipe calculation - all certified by City & Guilds, London.